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| Internal Structure of Op-amps and Audio Power Amps | Go-WWW |
Single stage gives logarithmic gain steps | Go-WWW | |
Are Op Amps Really Linear? | Go-WWW | |
Wisely using rail-to-rail op amps | Go-WWW | |
LM358 Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier | Go-WWW | |
Basic Active Filter Circuit Blocks | Go-WWW | |
Two op amps make fast full-wave rectifier | Go-WWW | |
Dual-polarity amplifier has digital control | Go-WWW | |
Feedback network silences op-amp resistor noise | Go-WWW | |
Operational Amplifiers | Go-WWW | |
Design Trade-Offs for Single-Supply Op Amps | Go-WWW | |
NE/SA/SE5532/5532A Internally-compensated dual low noise operational amplifier | Go-WWW | |
Designing with op amps: Single-formula technique keeps it simple | Go-WWW | |
A Tutorial on Applying Op Amps to RF Applications | Go-WWW | |
A single-formula approach for designing positive summing amplifiers | Go-WWW | |
Spicing Up The Op-Amp | Go-WWW | |
AC-Coupled Amplifier Requires No DC Bias | Go-WWW | |
RC5532A Low noise dual operational amplifier - This is a very good for many audio designs. The 5532 has THD down around 0.0003% at normal levels and frequencies. The self noise is no worse than a 10 k ohm resistor. Read also The 5532 Opamp article | Go-WWW | |
High Performance Audio Op-Amp Quick Reference | Go-WWW | |
LM741 - general purpose operational amplifier, also known as UA741 | Go-WWW | |
Texas Instruments | Go-WWW | |
Improved amplifier drives differential-input ADCs | Go-WWW | |
Simple techniques help high-frequency op amps drive reactive loads | Go-WWW | |
Piecewise linear amplifier eschews diodes | Go-WWW | |
LM386 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier. The LM386 is a power amplifier designed for use in low voltage consumer applications. The gain is internally set to 20 to keep external part count low. This amplifier IC can drive 8 ohms speaker nicely with maximum | Go-WWW | |
Noise and Operational Amplifier Circuits | Go-WWW | |
Systematic approach makes op-amp circuits resist radiated noise | Go-WWW | |
LM358 | Go-WWW | |
Audio and Op amps circuits | Go-WWW | |
Some Tips on Stabilizing Op-Amps | Go-WWW | |
Op amp Myths | Go-WWW | |
TL072 Low noise dual operational amplifier | Go-WWW | |
Don't let noise ruin instrumentation-amplifier performance | Go-WWW | |
Understanding operational amplifier specifications | Go-WWW | |
LM380 - 2.5W Audio Power Amplifier IC for consumer applications. Amplifier gain is internally fixed at 34 dB. Input stage allows ground referenced input signals and utput automatically self-centers to one-half the supply voltage. The output is short circu | Go-WWW | |
Next generation op amps | Go-WWW | |
Positive Feedback Terminates Cables | Go-WWW | |
Unique compensation technique tames high-bandwidth voltage-feedback op amps | Go-WWW | |
Op amps take the next step | Go-WWW | |
Portable analog design needs rail-to-rail op amps | Go-WWW | |
Demystifying single-supply op-amp design | Go-WWW | |
Dual op amp doubles output current | Go-WWW | |
TL082 | Go-WWW | |
Voltage follower with 1G ohm input resistance | Go-WWW | |
LM324 Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier - check alse datasheet from Philips | Go-WWW | |
Designing With Opamps | Go-WWW | |
The 5532 Opamp | Go-WWW | |
Noise-figure curves ease the selection of low-noise op amps | Go-WWW | |