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| How to keep instruments accurate inside hot, noisy PCs | Go-WWW |
Digital Oscilloscope Uses PC Sound Card for Input | Go-WWW | |
SweepGen | Go-WWW | |
Use RS-232C port to measure pressure | Go-WWW | |
Test Tone Generator | Go-WWW | |
High speed ADC: computer-based oscilloscope application | Go-WWW | |
Buffer Hardware for xoscope | Go-WWW | |
PC Soundcard Software Links | Go-WWW | |
Turn your PC into a free oscilloscope with ADC0820 connected to the printer parallel port | Go-WWW | |
Frequency Analyzer | Go-WWW | |
JMM (Java Multi Meter) | Go-WWW | |
FreeVIEW sound | Go-WWW | |
Digital PC Oscilloscope | Go-WWW | |
Scope 2k | Go-WWW | |
Trace voltage-current curves on your PC | Go-WWW | |
Use your printer port as a high-current ammeter | Go-WWW | |
Reliable Software | Go-WWW | |
4 - Channel Digital Logic Analyzer and 5 Channel Digital Oscilloscope by using PC Parallel Port | Go-WWW | |
Rundenzähler und Zeitmessung für Slotcars | Go-WWW | |
Freeware Download Page: Measurement Equipment with PC Sound Cards | Go-WWW | |
Spectrogram 5.0 Real-time spectrum analyzer | Go-WWW | |
Oscilloscope for Windows: Digital Oscilloscope Uses PC Sound Card for Input | Go-WWW | |
PC instrumentation through the ages | Go-WWW | |