Trading analysis and Investment banking and brokerage Guide - Finance Review

Technical Analysis and Numerical Analysis for MS Excel
Includes time series analysis, numerical algorithms and mixed language programming.
Trend Advisor
Market analysis training course.
PRISM Trading Advisors, Inc.
A proprietary trading firm that employs a multi-disciplinary approach to professional speculation, technical analysis, and rigorous risk-management in all trading markets and time-frames.
Free online service intended for serious traders seeking advanced methods.
Magic Analyzer
Company analyzes market behavior and trends for bonds, shares, stocks, commodities or any set of 11 quotes.
A company dedicated to bringing easy-to-use risk analysis to the everyday investor.
Equity Analytics, Ltd.: Technical Analysis Directory
Contains an overview of technical analysis and describes the most widely used and reliable technical analysis tools.
Pro Trader
Pro Trader offers a comprehensive reference library of technical analysis books suitable for the beginner through to the experienced full time trader.
Sven's Technical Analysis
Financial markets technical analysis instruments, techniques and other related up-to-date information for timely investment decisions.
Historical Level 2 Montage
Assists one in analyzing different market maker scenarios over and over again in order to develop a trading plan at one's own pace.
TTI Trader's Outlook
The Traders Outlook is currently a free service provided by Trading Techniques, Inc. to help educate the serious trader about the potential of the Elliott Wave Theory and the Advanced GET system of trading.
Technical Analysis from A to Z
Comprehensive overview of technical analysis and explanations of most indicators. The site also offers free charting capabilities.
Swing Trading Online
Teaches swing trading and also provides some of the best daily market and stock commentary that can be found on the Internet.
Technical Analysis Indicators
Definitions and applications of various technical analysis indicators. Valuable resource for traders.
Sniper Mining
Sniper offers objective tuition in Elliott Wave studies for educational purposes. Registered students receive mathematically detailed charts and educational commentary to facilitate their understanding of the Elliott Wave Principle as it evolve.
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