Arthritis and A Guide - Resources and Review

An automated catalogue of numerous mailing lists relevant to specific complaints and other aspects of medicine and health care, with descriptions and subscription details.
Following the theme 'Where Social Values and Personal Worth Meet', these conference proceedings include information about the relationship between individuals and society, target audiences of health education, intuitive intelligence and health, barriers to behavioural change, the role of psychology within health promotion, and qualitative methods in research. Some specific health issues are also addressed such as arthritis, pregnancy and eating disorders.
Directory of charities and organisations offering help and information for people with arthritis. Contact details are provided for those located in the UK and Ireland.
Brief answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about food and food topics, such as what is a good diet, is sugar harmful, is salt harmful, is a vegetarian diet better, what foods are good for arthritis, and what are junk foods. The four major headings are food and nutrition, food safety, additives and packaging, and science and food.
Offers information about arthritis and rheumatic disease, research programmes funded by the charity, and various publications including booklets, articles and press releases.
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