Cartography and C Guide - Resources and Review

An association of individuals and organisations dedicated to exploring and developing the world of maps. Membership includes mapping companies, publishers, designers, academics, researchers, map curators, individual cartographers, GIS specialists, and ordinary members of the public with an interest in maps.
Sources of information on the history of cartography (early maps, old maps, or historical maps). Topics include exhibitions, prizes and awards, history of globes, journals, lectures, map interest societies, and researchers.
Set of links to selected maps, plans, atlases and cartographic resources.
Extensive index of over 7000 resources including maps and atlases in electronic form, sellers of cartographic material, map collections, cartographic and geographical societies, departments of cartography, government cartography, libraries and literature.
Information about the Peters Projection, which was created in 1974 by Arno Peters to address some of the problems of existing maps of the world.
Society founded in 1964 aiming to support the practising cartographer and encourage and maintain a high standard of cartographic illustration.
An exhibition celebrating the Celestial Atlas, featuring star atlases and maps from 1482 to 1851. Includes an introduction to celestial cartography, Johann Bayer's Uranometria (1603), Julius Schiller's Coelum Christianum, Johann Hevelius's Firmamentum (1690), John Flamsteed's Atlas coelestis (1729), and Johann Bode's Uranographia (1801).
Provides an introduction to selected aspects of cartography, including map projections, map content and optimisation for the Web, and cartographic terminology. Information is presented in English and French.
Collection of historical maps of the Netherlands by cartographers such as Janssonius, Jacob Aertsz, Georg Braun, and Frans Hogenberg. City maps from Blaeu's Toonneel der Steden are also featured.
Collections of general maps, and deployment maps of peacekeeping missions prepared by the UN's mapping and GIS specialists and stored as PDF files. Both collections can be browsed via a pull
down menu or on separate pages. The general maps page organises maps by region, while the peacekeeping missions map page offers mission overviews and an archive of maps from past missions.
Involved in the sale and display of original works of the masters of cartography. Monthly auction catalogues are available.
Feature article from a full text electronic journal about digitisation, focusing on the reformatting of paper maps as computer
readable images, both for purposes of preservation and for access through CDs or on the Web.
UK national mapping service and map publisher.
Introduction to Ireland's national mapping service and map publisher. Includes information on strategy, ordering, tourist and leisure mapping, digital mapping and aerial photography.
Research on cartographic communication conducted at University College London, The Royal College of Art and Nottingham University.
Ordnance Survey map data for the UK Higher Education community, enabling users to view and print maps of any location in the UK at predefined scales. Requires institutional subscription and individual registration via an ATHENS username and password.
List of university cartography departments worldwide.
Index to 500 earth science journals, with topics including analytical techniques, atmospheric sciences, cartography, geophysics, mineralogy, ocean sciences, planetary sciences, and volcanology. This French mirror also includes links to other Earth Science resources, some of which are in French.
Index of online resources covering topics including human and physical geography, cartography, planning and transportation, and remote sensing. Details of UK geography, geology and meteorology departments are given, and online field trips and tours are available.
One of the Learning and Teaching Support Network Centres. Provides links to collections of resources, projects, programmes, software, online journals, and events.
cost and easy to use mapping software.
Index to Internet resources in cartography, maps and GIS.
A research, editorial, and publishing endeavour drawing international attention to the history of maps and mapping.
Collection of links to catalogues of map holdings, collections and archives, and information relating to map curatorship, history, institutions, and events.
Details of the UK national collection of cartographic materials and the holdings of the Map Library, which provides access to maps, atlases and globes of all parts of the world dating back to the 15th century. There is a collection overview, history and scope of the collections, and a bibliography of guides to the collection, but few online maps.
Links to electronic cartographic resources including maps, charts, remote sensing images, and other spatial data. There are also links to map catalogues, inventories, and bibliographies.
Article examining Korea's cartographic representation as documented by Europeans from the 15th century onwards. Considers the influences of European exploration, and the origin and history of Dutch cartography.
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