Eating disorders and E Guide - Resources and Review

Extensive searchable and browsable index of neurological diseases.
Series of articles covering dreams, nightmares, eating disorders, multiple personality disorder, borderline personality disorder and alcoholism.
Online questionnaire attempting to gather data with a view to building up a better picture of males with eating disorders for future research purposes. Also provides a listing of links to relevant organisations.
Set of links to selected, evaluated and annotated Internet resources relevant to metabolic diseases.
Offers information about the treatment and prevention of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, and compulsive overeating. Provides a referral facility for those seeking help from local specialists in the USA.
Presents psychiatric work specialising in eating disorders including articles on: treatment, disorders in specific populations (children, males, the elderly), and medical disorders associated with anorexia.
Following the theme 'Where Social Values and Personal Worth Meet', these conference proceedings include information about the relationship between individuals and society, target audiences of health education, intuitive intelligence and health, barriers to behavioural change, the role of psychology within health promotion, and qualitative methods in research. Some specific health issues are also addressed such as arthritis, pregnancy and eating disorders.
Guide intended to help overeaters and explore the rewards of being free from an eating disorder. It describes a program intended to overcome eating disorder and describes the life challenges that must be confronted as eating patterns become appropriate to health and well being.
Personal accounts of living with eating disorders, and information about anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder (BED). Racial differences are also explored in this resource which accompanies a television program.
Collection of factsheets on aspects of obesity such as health risks, treatment and prevention, childhood obesity, pregnancy and childbirth, effective physical activity, and social and psychological consequences.
Collection of articles about mental health, including prevention and treatment of mental health. problems. Topics include addiction, antisocial behaviour, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, schizophrenia, sleep, therapy, multiple personality disorder, trauma, violence and work.
An automated catalogue of numerous mailing lists relevant to specific complaints and other aspects of medicine and health care, with descriptions and subscription details.
Set of articles providing information about Priory Hospital, it's Eating Disorder Unit, and treatment programs for both outpatients and inpatients. Also features articles on two specific eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia.
Topics covered include alcohol and depression, anorexia and bulimia, anxiety and phobias, bereavement, depression, schizophrenia and sleep problems.
A non
profit mental health clinic and hospital in Oklahoma, founded in 1988 by the William K. Warren Foundation. Offers information about eating disorders, NEDO (National Eating Disorders Organisation), and a report on how better to understand youth suicide.
Collection of resources providing information on disorders such as substance abuse, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, schizophrenia and sexual dysfunction. Includes information on drug development and manufacturers, and offers an opportunity to pose questions to medical experts on mental health issues.
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