Economic geology and E Guide - Resources and Review

An Internet based course designed for students without a strong background in basic science. The primary goal of the course is to present some introductory earth science and to provide students with a solid understanding of gemology. It includes coverage of the processes leading to the formation of gems in the Earth, how gems are identified, factors that affect the appearance and value of gems, processes used to enhance their appearance, materials used to simulate common gemstones, and issues associated with the synthesis of gems.
An international journal on the geophysical, geochemical, petrological, economic and environmental aspects of volcanology and geothermal research.
Links to numerous annotated and evaluated online resources relevant to petroleum and offshore engineering.
Information on the meetings and publications of the society, including the contents of recently published issues of Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists. Provides a set of links to other geological societies and research groups.
Research programme in Southern Africa, Namibia and Lesotho, including proterozoic base metal deposits and hydrothermal mineralisation in the Bushveld complex.
Nb = 5