Evidence-based medicine and E Guide - Resources and Review

Journal which aims to keep clinicians up
to-date by using scientific criteria to select and abstract the most reliable and important clinically relevant papers from an expanded range of journals, abstract promising pre-clinical studies to keep the specialist informed about current developments, and cover developments in diagnosis, therapy, harm, prognosis, economic evaluation, quality improvement and causation.
Part of the libraries and librarian development programme managed by the Health Care Libraries unit in the UK. Aims to achieve a better understanding of the mechanisms and skills which will enable PHCT's (Primary Health Care Teams) to provide high quality care based on the best available evidence.
Directory of discussion lists related to evidence based health and medicine, with descriptions of purpose and joining instructions.
A compilation of links which are relevant to evidence
based practitioners.
An electronic publication designed to supply high
quality health care information and evidence. Includes a database of systematic reviews, critical assessments and structured abstracts of systematic reviews published elsewhere, and bibliographic information on controlled trials. Published quarterly on a subscription basis, but abstracts of Cochrane Reviews are freely available.
The aim of the Centre is to promote evidence
based health care. Includes teaching guides, and conference and workshop details.
A monthly journal containing bullet points of evidence
based medicine.
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