Food consumption and F Guide - Resources and Review

Information about food consumption, prices, expenditures, US income and population from 1970 to 1997. Considers how consumption patterns have changed over this period, revealing that Americans now consume about 50 percent more grain products and around 25 percent more fruits and vegetables, per capita, than they did in 1970, and are consuming higher amounts of caloric sweeteners and added fats.
Report from the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation estimating the number of people who go hungry in the industrialised world and transitional countries, and monitoring progress towards fulfilling the goal of halving the number of undernourished people in the world by 2015. Analyses reasons behind significant gains or setbacks relating to food levels during the 1990s. Report is presented as a PDF file.
Identifies the origins of Italian cuisine, describing different styles and influences throughout history before looking at the changes which have taken place in 20th century cuisine.
Offers the opportunity to donate food to hungry people around the world, paid for by sponsors. Documents donation totals since June 1999, and a breakdown of totals donated by each country. General facts about hunger are available in over 50 languages, and an index of hunger and relief organisations is provided.
Collection of food related resources featuring recipe archives, a listing of cookbooks which can be purchased via, and message boards dealing with topics such as catering for one, healthy meals, vegetarian recipes, and ethnic cooking.
A guide to the history and evolution of eating utensils, illustrated by images from a collection of 1700 utensils assembled by Carl Austin Reitz.
Food Resource aims to provide access to images, documents and other food references via the Internet. Categories include associations and organisations, nutrition, fruits, safety and chemicals.
Set of links to selected, evaluated and annotated Internet resources relevant to dietetics.
Collection of factsheets on aspects of obesity such as health risks, treatment and prevention, childhood obesity, pregnancy and childbirth, effective physical activity, and social and psychological consequences.
Web site of the UK Food and Drink Federation (FDF) offering industry news and market information. Also provides access to numerous FDF publications and reports pertaining to issues such as food safety, genetic modification, food hygiene, nutrition and food marketing. Reports are available in HTML or Word formats.
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