Internet resource evaluation and I Guide - Resources and Review

Paper describing a project designed to facilitate the retrieval of current information within the field of engineering. Addresses specific objectives of the project, including the development of selection criteria for electronic engineering resources, the identification of electronic resources of interest to engineers, as defined by the selection policy, and the creation of abstracts for these electronic resources that will include at least two hyperlinks to other related electronic resources.
Criteria for librarians to evaluate Web resources.
Project established to evaluate the Distributed National Electronic Resource (DNER) with a view to aiding and advising the development of the JISC Information Environment as well as the formative evaluation of the 5/99 Development Programme and its constituent projects. Outlines phases designed to consider the impact of the JISC IE on teaching and learning and cross project activity. Issues papers are also presented, addressing how students learn and search, and aspects of Web accessibility.
Resource facilitating the evaluation of Internet pages, to determine which information is useful and of high quality. Provides a checklist of key features to consider when assessing Internet material, and a quiz to test the success with which individuals can identify valuable sources of information.
Paper presented at the IASSIST Conference, Toronto, May 1999. Explains how technologies used to build virtual data libraries can be implemented in the development of a common Internet interface, bringing together various data sources worldwide.
From The Public
Access Computer Systems Review 8, Number 3. Article surveys criteria that have been published on the Web and in print literature and proposes a set of criteria (a toolbox) that can be used by librarians and users to evaluate Internet information sources.
The main goal of this project is to provide an effective method for librarians to display and share instructional materials they have designed for teaching about the seeking and evaluation of information in a networked environment.
An interactive tutorial about evaluating the quality of Internet resources. Registration required.
A set of pointers to criteria for evaluating information resources, particularly those on the Internet. It is intended to be particularly useful to librarians and others who are selecting sites to include in an information resource guide, or informing users as to the qualities they should use in evaluating Internet information.
A checklist of some basic points to consider when using Web resources. Headings include content and evaluation, source and date, and structure. Also offers additional points to consider regarding Web sites for subject disciplines.
Annotated listing of library and information science oriented search tools and resource evaluation material available on the Internet. Includes resources such as Ariadne, Free Pint, Internet Detective, and
Document which outlines basic criteria for evaluating all forms of information, and how they apply to the Internet. It summarises a variety of ways of looking for significant information about an Internet resource, notably its authorship, publishing body, point of view or bias, referral to other sources, verifiability and currency.
Outlines approaches to assessing the impact of resources created as part of the NOF
Digitise programme. Examines the concept of impact, considers ways of measuring it, and offers information on impact and learning, policy agendas, and staff.
Project examining quality control of Internet resources focusing on major subject gateways. Also describes methods and tools that have been created to assist staff in the maintenance of quality control.
A print and Web magazine of Internet issues for librarians and information specialists. Aims to describe and evaluate sources and services on the Internet relevant to the LIS profession, and report on progress and developments within the Electronic Libraries Programme. Back issues available online from 1996.
Concise checklist for evaluating Internet resources.
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