Language development and L Guide - Resources and Review

Article discussing the nature and evolution of language, arguing for its innateness and localisation but against domain specificity.
Collection of articles documenting brain function and associated learning and development. Topics covered include child development, disorders, early reading, education, language, learning, motivation, reading, stress, and thinking. Material addressing specific aspects of these topics are divided into general, educational, and clinical groupings. An additional section entitled 'Brain Basics' provides an insight into the central nervous system's anatomy, physiology, and functionality.
Presents information on the key stages in the development of language in young children, including a listing of developmental milestones in the first five years of a child's life.
A study of parental reports on the first stages of expressive and receptive lexical development of English and Italian infants aged between 8 and 16 months. Data is compared with other reports in the literature, particularly with claims of the early emergence of verbs in Korean children.
Paper looking at how young children with limited information processing abilities can learn what words mean. Focuses on whole
object, taxonomic, and mutual exclusivity assumptions in an attempt to understand the nature of constraints on word learning.
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