Library catalogues worldwide and L Guide - Resources and Review

Includes archives and academic, higher education, government, public and special libraries.
Set of links to library home pages and catalogues throughout Canada, organised alphabetically, by region and by type, namely academic, government, public and special.
Collection of links to national, academic, and public library Web pages and catalogues around the world.
Provides links to all libraries with Web
based online public access catalogues. WebCAT is arranged geographically, by type of library, and by library catalogue vendor.
A catalogue containing over 172,000 catalogued records from the European Commission Library. Information is retrieved by basic or advanced searches and by language or document type. Searches can be conducted in English and French. Records include journal articles, books, conference proceedings and Internet resources (mostly documents). The service is free but registration is required.
Designed as a gateway for librarians and library users, operating on an international level and dealing with online resources. Information covers news, education, a list of official associations and networks, and general library issues including collection management, cooperation, preservation and access initiatives, and library Web pages.
Catalogues of national libraries listed alphabetically by country.
Catalogues of national libraries listed alphabetically by country.
Directory of library Web pages and online catalogues from over 4,500 libraries worldwide. Searches may be conducted by entering name of institution, library type, geographic location, affiliations, and type of automation system used.
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