Oceanography links and O Guide - Resources and Review

Provides links to the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, global observing systems, research ship information and schedules, and additional oceanography sources.
List of oceanography societies worldwide.
A list of answers to common questions posed to the National Marine Fisheries Service. Covers fish species, classification, survival, dangerous sea creatures, and a range of other marine animals such as lobsters, crabs, clams, sea turtles, and whales. Also provides links to sets of marine life and oceanographic facts.
An index of oceanographic and marine environmental resources from around the world.
List of oceanography departments, schools and laboratories and other resources.
Index of resources and institutions organised according to world geographic region with the European category being subdivided into countries. Also includes access to conference details, electronic journals, and newsgroups and mailing lists. Searchable by keyword and browsable by subject.
Information service for the aquatic world. Subject areas covered include aquaculture, conservation, fisheries, limnology, marine science and oceanography, maritime heritage, ocean engineering, and seafood.
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