Sexual orientation and S Guide - Resources and Review

Essay covering the birth of the contemporary Bi movement in the 1970s, development in the 1980s, national and international consolidation, and new directions for the movement in the 1990s.
Discusses social stigma associated with HIV and AIDS, the prevalence of, and motivation for, sexual prejudice or homophobia, homosexuality and mental health, and anti
gay violence. A section on gay people in the military is also included, along with a case study of problems and challenges faced by lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults conducted in Sacramento. Each topic is supported by papers, personal stories, public opinion, research findings, and resources for professionals, researchers, and students. Information is available in English and French.
Provides an explanation of sexual orientation before addressing issues relating to the 'coming out' process, parenting, discrimination against gay, lesbian and bisexual people, and HIV/AIDS infection.
Organisation whose mission is to protect and advance the human rights of all people and communities subject to discrimination or abuse on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or HIV status. Worldwide press releases tackling issues such as lesbian rights, race and sexuality, and the Nazi persecution of gays are published to this end.
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