Women in science and W Guide - Resources and Review

An archive of information about more than 50 twentieth century women physicists who have made original and important contributions to physics. Details about important contributions, publications, honours, employment history, and references are provided for each woman included in the database.
WITEC undertakes activities which aim to increase the motivation, development and support of women in science, engineering and technology. Includes the European Database of Women Experts in Science, Engineering and Technology, and equal opportunities information.
Resources about women in computing past and present.
Notes and brief biographies of women in the field of mathematics from the first century until the present day.
A gateway to over 50,000 sites pertaining to over 120 subjects in science and engineering. It is maintained by professional scientists whose mission is to identify and centralize access to the most valuable scientific resources online. Major subject divisions include biological sciences, health sciences, physical and chemical sciences, engineering sciences, women and minorities in science, and science in the news.
Biographies of selected female scientists, including Maria Goeppert
Mayer, May Edward Chinn, Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace and Sophie Germain.
Resource designed to encourage women to pursue careers in maths, science and technology, by highlighting the contributions made by successful women to the work of NASA.
An electronic network for the next generation of scientists. Includes science careers, jobs, policy and resource reviews.
Project documenting womens' involvement in architecture by collecting, preserving, storing, and making available to researchers the professional papers of women architects, landscape architects, designers, architectural historians and critics, urban planners, and the records of women's architectural organisations from around the world
Biographies of over 125 of the most notable women in science and technology over the past 4000 years. Biographies are listed by discipline. Photographs are available for some of the entries.
The purpose of WSSLinks is to provide access to a wide range of resources in support of Women's Studies. It is organised into sections including art and film, culture and literature, education, history, lesbian sites, music, philosophy, politics, science and technology.
Aims to stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, and expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life.
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